Book it: December 2015

In Family life, Front page by Shannon1 Comment

Nine books this month, although many were quite short. They ran the gamut from young adult to end-of-the-world to connection to business. A great way to end my year of reading, and it brought me to a grand total of 66 books for the year! My goal for 2016 is 60 books, and I’m planning on reading my way through Margaret Atwood. I’ve read (and loved) her speculative fiction books (The Handmaid’s Tale, the MaddAddam Trilogy, The Heart Goes Last), but haven’t read anything else by her, so, in 2016, I’d like to read most of what else she has. Other than that, I have book club books, and then my whole entire wish list at the library, which is 2 pages long right now.

Pretties – Scott Westerfield. The second in a YA dystopian future book that’s very fun to read, although I don’t feel in a huge hurry to read the next one on the list

Big Magic – Elizabeth Gilbert. I loved this book. I loved this book so much, I listened to the whole Magic Lessons podcast right away. It was inspiring and true and lovely and I loved it.

Choose Your Own Autobiography – Neil Patrick Harris. Why can’t I be best friends with this man? He’s funny, and smart, and sweet, and he loves his family and his parents and his kids and his husband and his friends, and he’s so appreciative of his life, and he’s awesome.

Difference – Bernadette Jiwa. Reading my way through some business books, and Bernadette Jiwa was highly recommended to me by my girl and business coach, Polly. In both this and Meaningful (below), Miss Jiwa’s main take-home message is that connection is vital to the success of a business in today’s society.

Meaningful – Bernadette Jiwa.

Greatfall – Jason Gurley. Local writer who just kind of gets me. I love the Wool series by Hugh Howley, like, love it so much, I wish I had never read it so I could read it again. Jason kind of gave me that by writing a book set in the Wool world, but in a completely off-the-rails silo.

The Man Who Ended the World – Jason Gurley. Another book by this guy. This one has nothing to do with Wool, and everything to do with the end of the world. So grippingly written, I had a hard time NOT ignoring my family and holiday-readiness in lieu of immersing myself in this story.

Tress – Larissa Brown. A sweet little taste of what Larissa can do, Tress is a novella with a fabulous and fairy-tale-like story.

Steal Like an Artist – Austin Kleon. This was so fast, like, took a small part of a day to read. Great lessons, however, in that inspiration does, and should, come from everywhere.


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