Book it: October 2015

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My October books…

Swamplandia – Karen Russell. I really wanted to loooove this book, and a part of me did, at least parts of it. The family was deliciously strange, ala Geek Love (which this book reminded me that I need to re-read), but the last part of the book just kind of didn’t do it for me. I don’t know what it was – maybe it felt rushed, and there was this major thing that happened that wasn’t really dealt with – but I was left feeling kind of unsatisfied. This was my first Karen Russell, and I have a few of her short story collections waiting to read, so I’ll see if this is her style, or what.

Modern Romance – Aziz Ansari. This book was super interesting. I put it on hold before I knew exactly what it was about, and once I started reading it, I realized why it was called Modern Romance. It’s about dating in the modern world, which is, frankly, as alien to me as living on Mars would be. Seriously. Stefan and I have  been together for a trillion years, and it’s not like I did much, if any, traditional dating before then, so it was interesting to see what folks go through nowadays to find their mister or missus right.

Uglies – Scott Westerfield. Dytopian YA fiction for the win! This was so much fun to read – I love these books, and there’s really not much to say about them. Enjoyable, exciting, fun, and fast; I will always love this genre.

The Colorado Kid – Stephen King. I started watching Haven on Syfy, and thought I had read this book a million years ago, but couldn’t quite remember it. It was a day-long read, while I knitted on my He Said/She Said Collection, in Banff with family this Fall. Lovely, noir Stephen King.

Beautiful Creatures – Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl. Teen angst. Witches. Supernatural occurrences. Young love. The deep South. I’m thoroughly enjoying this YA supernatural series. ‘Nuff said.

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