This is something I posted on Instagram, almost word-for-word, but I need to say it here, too. The news lately has been difficult, and relentless, and I am doing things other than just knitting my way through the pain and the confusion and the stress, but for me, knitting is the highest form of self-care I can do, and socks are my comfort knitting.
When I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed or sad or, well, any tough or big feeling, a few rounds on a sock can go a long way toward helping me find my center. There’s a lot of tough news out there, a lot of gross things happening. Trying to process and decide how to do more has me reaching, again and again, for my socks-in-progress. The relentlessness of it all also means that I’ve been making lots of progress on lots of socks. And casting on lots of socks. And some days, ignoring everything else for my sock knitting.
There are big horrible things going on: Puerto Rico is still in crisis; America’s despicable gun violence problem is once again in the spotlight; someone is targeting the elementary schools in our district (including our own) by spray painting racist slurs on them.
So we knitters knit through it all, finding comfort in creating stitches with sticks & string, but let’s also continue to make those calls, to donate that money and time, to speak up against these things…