Finished (finally): Something Orange

In Blog, Knittish by Shannon3 Comments

There’s finished, and then there’s finished. This sweater was “finished” about a year ago – knitting done, ends woven in, even worn a couple of times. But, there were some hanging chads in the finishing department: namely, the two B’s: buttons and blocking.


Pre-blocked, pre-buttoned Something Orange, last Summer.

I searched and searched last summer for the perfect buttons. Bid on and won multiple lots of vintage buttons on Ebay, scrounged at Twisted and Fabric Depot, begged JJ from Buttonhole Buttons to search her stash. You see, I wanted blue. Bright blue. To match the inside pockets of this gorgeous sweater. I found two sets, but wasn’t sure which I liked better.

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Bathroom selfie, with buttons and fully blocked.

Then this week happened. Here I was, having just casted on about a ga-zillion projects, with deadlines looming, and what did I do? Dug out this sweater, finally blocked it, and, with Hazel and Stefan’s help, finally narrowed my buttons down and sewed them on.

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Hazel loves to help out with everything, including modeling sweaters.

Verdict? I’m in love. It’s a really sweet sweater, and the Silky Wool from Elsebeth Lavold is amazing, especially for the price. I have another sweater (also finished last Spring and also sans buttons) that I’m planning to apply the same treatment to, and at least two more sweater’s worth. If you have a chance to knit with this yarn, do it!

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The back. Also showing off my first-ever pair of black jeans. I feel oh, so rock-and-roll.

The sweater is Something Silver by Veera V, and I added a few more button holes than the original pattern called for. I did the pockets in a bright pop of blue, and am so glad I did. I think this will be a Spring-time staple from here on in, now that it’s actually finished.


  1. Looks great. I got the pleasure of seeing this sweater a while ago on a traveling ewe adventure with Shannon. I have the pattern but haven’t bought the yarn yet. It is on my to do list for sure!
    You do such a beautiful job of knitting, everything you make is lovely.

  2. that is beautiful! And the buttons are perfect. I do the same thing with sweaters, everything but the buttons and then they sit…..

  3. Love this sweater .. and the blue is just perfect .. both the buttons and the pockets!!

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