I just got back from a week in Hawaii with my mother and sister, and let me tell you, re-entry is a cruel and cold reality. Like, literally. It’s so stinking cold here.
We had the most dreamy time, at least dipping toes in the ocean every day, but more often than not, floating in the surf. I found a gazillion teensy shells, which I brought home for the girls; we ate the best food; we laughed the most. We were on Kauai, and it was absolutely amazeballs. You know what I did NOT do while in Hawaii? Knit. Seriously, I maybe worked an inch of knitting the whole time we were there. We woke up as early as possible, saw lots of sunrises on lots of beaches, spent all day exploring, and then passed out by 10 every night. Many nights well before 10. I’ll stop babbling, but here are a few photos of the amazeballsness that was our trip. Oh, and I turned 43 while there. What in the world?