Introducing the Big Ass Skein Society!

In Blog, Knittish by Shannon2 Comments

I’m super happy to share a new project that will be debuting later this month, the Big Ass Skein Society! You can get on board early by purchasing the Ebook at any time for $18. The first pattern won’t be released until February 21st or thereabouts.


What is it?
The Big Ass Skein Society is a collaboration between me and the amazing Tina from Blue Moon Fiber Arts. I love her big-ass skeins, and she loves my designs, so we decided to combine the two into a bi-monthly pattern and discount-on-yarn thing.

What do you get?

  • A brand-new pattern designed especially for one of BMFA’s ginormous skeins every other month for a year.
  • A coupon code for 10% off an order of that yarn at the Blue Moon Fiber Arts website, good for 2 whole months.
  • A community of like-minded individuals working on the same project at my Ravelry group.
  • Pattern giveaways.
  • Contests.

So what do you need to do?
Just head over to Ravelry and purchase the Ebook for $18. At this time, you’ll receive a one-page PDF with most of the same information you’re reading here. Once you’ve purchased the Big Ass Skein Society, you can just hang tight. The first pattern will be released on or about February 21st, and then every other month, from February through December, you’ll get another pattern, using one of Blue Moon Fiber Arts amazingly squishly, lovely, and very big-ass skeins.

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