Ok, ok, so it’s not Spring right now, but this shawl really doesn’t care, because it’s snuggly and warm and lovely and oh, so easy to wear. In fact, I’ve got the 2-skein version on right this very second.
Viriditas came out a few years ago, but I just recently got around to expanding the sizing and re-photographing it.
A big thanks to one of my fantastic sample knitters for getting the bright green version done so quickly and beautifully.
I also vigorously re-blocked the smaller, one-skein version, and love how it opened up. I had forgotten how very much I love this pattern, and enjoying these Spring-y shawls while deep in Fall feels oh, so good.
Dear Shannon,
I bought the Knitted Wit Gumballs kit at Oregon Flock and Fiber. I’ve been trying to find the “All Meshed Up” cowl pattern on Ravelry that is supposed to go with it. Where should I be looking?
Thank You,