Knit them all: In Triplicate

In Blog, Knittish by Shannon1 Comment

I’m so proud and happy to be a part of the In Triplicate collection, people. It was fun, and collaborative, and interesting, and inspiring, and… just plain awesome.

Cover PDF

It all started this Spring, with a text from an old friend, Star. It was a short and sweet text: Lee and I have a proposition for you. Wanna meet up? Six months later, we published this amazing collection, In Triplicate. What a fun ride!


The idea was both simple and elegant: three designers use the same three colors of yarn to create three accessories each. We approached the amazing Tina from Blue Moon Fiber Arts about collaborating, and she was in (with a huge box of yarn for us to do some colorplay with!)


Deciding on color was both the hardest AND the easiest thing about the project. There was truly an embarrassment of riches, as anyone familiar with Tina’s colors knows, but when Star twisted together Mica, Lover’s Leap, and Ochroid, there was a collective gasp, and we all knew that was it. We decided to use Gaea Sport, and I’m so very glad we did. It’s amazing – soft, springy, takes Tina’s gorgeous colors like a dream, and wears super well.


We had so much fun working on this – many emails, texts, coffee/tea dates, and laughs were had. Bouncing ideas off of other designers was a really amazing process, and I think we all benefitted from having each other to lean on.


We’ll be running a KAL over in our brand-spanking-new Ravelry group, so please join us there!

I’ll post about my patterns: Line Segment, Point of Symmetry, and Trisectrix, in greater detail later this week.

Buy the whole collection for $20, and get a coupon code for 10% off of three skeins of Blue Moon Fiber Arts Gaea Sport through 12/15/15!

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