Newsletter Shawl finished!

In Blog, Knittish by Shannon1 Comment

This New Year’s Eve Newsletter Shawl cast-on was a fun diversion to work on while figuring out a few designs. I need to have some mindless things on my needles at pretty much all times. Usually, it’s at least one shawl and one pair of socks, because those are things I can pick up and put down, and not have to think too strongly about.

The girls helped me with photos, and they are wont to do, and Frida helped me block the shawl (haha, ain’t that a joke? She seems pretty obsessed with trying to destroy this particular shawl, by any means necessary).

On this one, because I didn’t have quite a full skein of the Pollen (yellow), I opted for an increase-only shawl. I continued to follow the Increase Section 39 times, and then used a picot bind-off (the exact one I used on the Uni-horn Magic shawl) with cB, and I am in looove. Have you made any progress on your Newsletter Shawl? I’d love to see photos of your shawl, either finished or in-progress! If you’re sharing on social media, please make sure to tag me!!!


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