It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Socks & Hats on Vacay time, and, although I’m not really designing any more, you can still win prizes for making projects in Knitted Wit’s yarn with my patterns, all summer long!
The rules of Socks & Hats on Vacay are simple:
- You must make socks between May 1st and September 2nd, 2024 (aka May 1st and Labor Day here in the US);
- socks must be made with Knitted Wit yarn;
- socks must be made using one of Shannon Squire’s sock patterns; and
- you must share photos on Instagram and use #socksonvacay #hatsonvacay AND tag us (@knittedwit and @shannonsq).
Some of my fave sock and hat makes/patterns, from year’s gone by…