This is part of a weekly series of trips down knittery lane (a lame take on memory lane), in which I go on (and on) about inspiration for an older pattern. The patterns discussed will be offered for $2 off for the week, until the next TBT post. Use coupon code tbtshannonsq-vir on Ravelry to get your $2 off of Viriditas this week…
That damned groundhog said we have six more weeks of winter, but there are buds popping up everywhere, and I’ve had a few days where I haven’t needed a coat on the school drop-off or pick-up walk, so I’m leaning toward a springy outlook. Which makes me think of Viriditas, a shawl I designed for a Shawlette Club we ran at Twisted many many years ago.
The original version was a one-skein-of-sock-yarn shawlette (as were all of the club designs). I was playing around with texture + lace, and a side-to-side triangular-ish shawlette seemed the perfect way to do it. I still find myself swooning for a simple combo of texture + lace, so it’s nice to see that my design style hasn’t changed much in these last six years. (Also, SIX YEARS!)
A couple of years ago, I revisited Viriditas, and got a sample made that utilized more of TWO skeins of sock yarn, and am so very happy with the volume of the resulting shawl. Because of it’s construction, however, you can use whatever quantity of yarn you have to make this shawl as big or as small as you’d like it to be.
The stitching has a rhythm that highlights well the rhythm of Spring, and the shape, even when made much bigger, is still very easy to wear and wrap and snuggle under.
Dying to get your hands on the pattern *right*now* for $2 off? Click this link, and the shopping cart will get all populated and what-not!