Today I’m talking to Annie Watts of Wattsolak designs about what exactly makes her tick, design-wise. Her take on designing is so fresh and fun and different and accessible. She’s definitely someone to keep an eye on. Click on any of the photos to be taken to the pattern page on Ravelry, and remember, the Indie Design Gift-a-long goes through the end of the year, but the 25% off discount on selected patterns is only available through the end of today. This is where all of Annie’s GAL-discounted patterns are. Now, without further ado, meet the lovely and talented Annie Watts!
What inspired you to start designing?
I sort of fell into it. I was knitting a lot of things without patterns, mostly toys and things (like these) and my friends kept telling me I needed to write down the patterns. Once I finally did I found it really satisfying and fun. I have a math background and I found pattern writing to really go well with that.
What’s your favorite thing to design?
I like mitts and mittens. I love that I can take the same basic shape and make such a variety of things. Even when I use the same shape and construction for my stranded mittens, they always feel like I’m creating something totally new. I love it.
What’s your favorite thing to knit?
My favorite things to knit from other peoples’ patterns are sweaters. I’m knitting Marnie MacLean’s Marmalade Skies for the GAL and I am having such a good time. I love getting to work on such a big project without having to worry about writing the pattern down!
What notion could you not live without?
I have this long, probably 4-5” darning needle that came in a box with my grandma’s knitting needles and notions. At first I thought it seemed odd but it really is the most useful tool. I love it for weaving in long ends, picking up stitches, all sorts of things.
If you could only use one knitting needle for the next 18 months, what would it be and why?
My 40″ Addi size 8 circular. I have more 8s than any other size but this particular one is my workhorse. I do lots of magic loop and love the versatility of this particular needle!
Which design of yours is your favorite and why?
Oh gosh, that’s hard. I love Sputnik the Magnificent because it seemed like such an unusual idea. I also have a soft spot for Robots vs. Downtown because it was based on one of my husband’s drawings. He and I want to do more designs together, hopefully that will happen in the next year!
Thanks so much for the inspiration and queue-growth, Annie!