Socks, socks, and, oh, yeah, even more socks

In Blog by Shannon1 Comment

I’ve had some serious sock brain going on lately. I just published Winter Weekend Socks, which are the most amazingly quick and fantastic DK-weight ankle socks; I taught a sock class at one of my favorite yarn shops EVER, Stash, last weekend, AND I’m speaking at the Tigard Knitting Guild about, you guessed it, socks, tonight. Socks to the left of me, socks to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with all of these socks.

Winter Weekend Socks

Not that I’m complaining. Socks are my knitterly bread-and-butter. There is nothing I like more than knitting socks. Like, seriously, nothing. (Well, there are Skittles. And family snuggle time. And really good chocolate. BUT. Knitting-wise, there’s nothing I like better).

Winter Weekend socks

There’s just so much fabulously delicious potential in a sock-to-be. It’s such a fantastic excuse to treat yourself to a very special skein of yarn. And, as they say, sock yarn doesn’t count as stash (sure, that makes zero sense, but who am I to argue with anything “they” say?)

Which brings me to yesterday. A day on which I cast on not one, not two, but three new socks. And wound up yarn for another one or two. I may cast more on today, while working out my stress about speaking at the Tigard Knitting Guild. And I offer no apologies. Have needles, will cast on, that’s my motto.

Brand new toes

How about you? Are you a sock knitter extreme? Do you feel unfulfilled without at least one sock on the needles? Are you still waiting for the obsession to kick in? I have oodles of sock patterns that are all pretty addictive, if you’re interested. Sundae Socks are both toe up AND cuff down ankle socks, with oodles of topping options. The patterns in Socks for Busy B’s are among my favorite-to-knit socks. Here’s a link to all of my sock patterns. Let’s make our feet happy, and knit so many socks!


  1. I’m new to knitting socks, but your patterns are my favorite! They are so easy to follow and produce great results, even on novice’s needles.
    Wish we lived closer so I could binge on your sock classes and talks. But alas, I continue to be sock-inspired, thousands of miles away!

    Thank you for being you.

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