The Bridges Shawlette is a tribute to the bridges of Portland, and to one dyer who drives over them (and back over them, and back over them…), the lovely and talented Tina from Blue Moon Fiber Arts.
A few years ago, the Rose City Yarn Crawl‘s theme was Portland’s bridges. Tina had come up with the most sublime colorway for Twisted to use as our exclusive yarn crawl offering, and I found myself with a few skeins of that colorway, Ka-POW, Pa-TINA! in Socks that Rock Mediumweight and an idea. I started knitting. And sketching. And knitting. And frogging. And figuring. And the Bridges Shawlette was born.
For some reason, I never re-shot the hastily-shot photos we initially used for the pattern. Which really was a shame, because I love this shawlette. First of all, the colors are stunning. Second of all, it’s garter-stitch based. Third of all, there’s a flow to the pattern that’s very pleasing to a knitter who enjoys a good Netflix binge. And fourth of all, it’s a well-sized shawlette, more than the average one skein.
A big thanks to my main squeeze, Stefan, for shooting this (and pretty much all of my patterns lately). It’s really nice to have an “in” with a talented photographer.
What a beautiful pattern and I love working with Socks that Rock. What a perfect pair!
I have the yarn and the pattern. All I have to do is start on the shawlette. I will start on it soon. Right now everything is packed for our move. Looking forward to getting a craft room set up.